The Romanesque Route in Alsace

Discover Alsace’s Romanesque heritage as you criss-cross the region from north to south!

Created in 1999 on the initiative of the Conseil régional d’Alsace and the Délégation régionale au Tourisme, the Route Romane d’Alsace aims to showcase this little-known component of Alsace’s architectural heritage.
Through plains, vineyards and mountains, the itinerary covers the entire region, discovering over 120 listed sites, from the most prestigious to the most secret. Twenty-one of them, from Altenstadt to Feldbach, have been selected as the main stages.

The Route Romane d’Alsace (Alsatian Romanesque Route) shows just how much Alsatian Romanesque art cultivated its originality, while remaining profoundly open to exchanges with other major artistic centers such as Burgundy, Lombardy, Lorraine, Franche-Comté and the Rhine Valley.

It provides an insight into the evolution of regional Romanesque art, from its archaic forms to the advent of the Gothic, an appreciation of the geographical and human variety of Alsace, and a glimpse into the heart of its tumultuous and fertile history.

Signage has been set up all along the Alsace Romanesque Route, including a presentation of the site, an explanation of its architectural elements and a map detailing all nearby Romanesque sites.

Click on the sites on the map to see their descriptions!